Friday, 31 August 2007


Last week in Hyderabad city, there were two bomb explosions which killed over 45 people. May it be the reason of Terrorism or anything but it had caused a huge human loss. These days, it has become a daily routine for those who explode bombs. Every part of the world is shivering just because of terrorism. For instance, 9/11 at twin towers and 7/11 at Mumbai last year. In such conditions, people are feeling fearsome to trust their own co-human beings. Do you know why actually it is happening? If you ask me, I would say that, we have completely lost the guts to question back. This is the sole reason why we can see such incidents occurring. I will explain you how.

You all may be aware of a popular fable of a herd of sheep. A shepherd was traveling to other cities with a herd of sheep. At the end of the day, the shepherd thought of staying at an Inn. But he was worried about his sheep. He thought, that the sheep will be lost if he don’t tie them. But at the same time, he had a small rope with which he couldn’t be able to tie at least a single sheep. But, some how, carrying the same small rope, he went to the herd of sheep and pretended as if, he were tying the sheep together. Actually, he didn’t tie any of the sheep but pretended that, he tied all the forelegs of sheep together. Next day in the morning, he came back to his sheep, and gave a hard push. The sheep stood steadily as if they were tied to each other. Again, the shepherd pretended untying the sheep which he never tied. Now the sheep moved freely and followed the herd or say the shepherd.

Now, it might have become crystal clear about what I’m going to speak today. Yes, you are correct that, I’m going to speak about the necessity of questioning back which we never try to do. Friends, let me tell you one thing first. No one of us (human beings) is perfect. We all do think alike; No one thinks more than what others think. It is the implementation which differs and yields results but remember, all of us think in a similar way as the sheep does. We people have developed a tendency to follow and not to lead and to our fate we have chosen leaders who misguide us.

May be, the zeal of questioning back should start from the budding or say sapling state. When children ask questions, we do neglect answering them and thus, we kill their enthusiasm to question why it is happening as such. And even if we do answer also, we never tell them it is not final. We never try to convince ourselves that there might exist yet another answer or say answers. To my belief, nothing can be concluded with cent percent accuracy. If one concludes, then there exists no research further.

It’s not the government which should be stood solely responsible for such kind of incidents. Government is nothing but people, we the people who govern us. Did the government employees come from planets or are they gods? No right! They too are humans like us, and they too don’t have the sixth sense to tell where the next explosion is going to occur. The terrorists think that, government had become deaf so an explosion might be a remedy to make it hear their voice. Is it really a remedy? Who are they killing? Are they killing the corrupt system or innocent people? If they want to make the system listen to their demands do they really have to cause human loss? Why people have forgotten that there exist Gandhigiri too (through which we can solve the problems)? There’s a popular saying, “If you know what hurts you, you know what hurts others”. And it’s true that, the terrorists are unaware of the same.

In the name of religion or say what ever, some organizations are hiring unemployed youth to cause huge destructions. Youth is much fascinated because they are frustrated being unemployed or say the leaders of such organizations are misguiding them in the name of religion and making them as their weapons. They are making them suicide bombers and since youth is highly distracted in nature, they are utilizing them to such an extent that the youth is completely forgetting the essence of ethics. Thus, developing hatred towards society, government or say what ever, the youth has become the major weapon for such organizations who stands responsible for what ever destruction it occurs. That’s the reason why, I’ve already said that, we are like the sheep who love to follow the herd and not lead, and to our fate we have leaders who mislead us.

Is there any solution for this problem? Definitely, to me, “there exists a solution for every problem”. It’s we who have to implement it. It should start with one’s own self. One must question him/herself back about how his /her actions affect the society. One must answer about what he/she does when questioned without hesitation or say the truth. It looks practically impractical to practice but friends it is never an impossible task too. If one goes wrong, let it the President of the country, question back why he/she did so, (if possible)? {I’ve used the term if possible, because, earlier, President Dr. Abdul Kalam used to respond if questioned; I don’t know about Mrs. Prathiba Patil}Or ask your representative (MLA’s or MP’s) to question from your side, after all, you’ve chosen them. Because, one can’t say that the whole system is corrupt. It’s you who have to choose the genuine person who listens to you and speaks for you.

If you do practice it from the budding level, say from schooling, college or whatever or where ever in the society, the habit of questioning back; then believe me, you’ll be the creator of new theories. Because, if you can’t find a perfect answer, I know, you will definitely strive hard to find one. But please beware that, the answer should not harm the society where you live. Finally, I don’t want to conclude this time, as I usually do in my every article because, I want you all to think about the cause and effect and then implement the same for the welfare of the society.

Thanks and Regards,
Srikanth Chintakindi,
M.Tech (A.I.)
University of Hyderabad.

Friday, 24 August 2007


You all are familiar that, Monica Bedi was imprisoned. During she was in jail, she had taught her co-prisoners Yoga, Dance etc., She had a self-realization about what she did in her past and had prepared herself a set of goals that were to be achieved when freed from jail. Here, please do not mistake me, because I’m not going to write her biography but friends, I had took her life as an instance to explain you the key features of Human Life which we consciously are trying to forget.

There’s a popular saying that, “You don’t know the value of a Well, until its Dry”. This quotation is merely enough to explain you, what I am going to talk about this week. It’s true that, we the human beings are consciously ruining the human values and forgetting rejoice of being alive. To support my statement, I would like to talk about Telecommunications. Though it’s annoying but still true that, Telecommunication world had completely ruined the emotional attachments of the people. Earlier there used to a situation where people used meet each other in person to know the well-being of each other. They used to travel far distances and meet their relatives, friends, or whomever concerned just to greet each other and to have a get together.

Today it’s completely otherwise. Here people celebrate many-a-number of day’s viz., Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentines Day, Friendship Day etc., and all exported from foreign cultures. If you ask me, I would question you; do we require all this sort of nuisance making days? In India especially, do we need to celebrate a mother’s day? Isn’t it sarcastic? What ever may be the reason but, here too, telecommunication world rules! It’s really pathetic to state but, millions of SMS and Calls are being made to greet each other or say one’s own parents on what so ever day it is! It’s tragic that, the day is not far when people make conversations from the same home from different phones.

You have got all the rights to argue with me that, at least this way they are bound to each other, but does it really matter? Isn’t there any difference between parents feeding their children making sit on their lap and telling stories and suggesting their ayah’s to feed their children?

I agree that, we too must change with the changing world. But do we have to change ourselves to such an extent that, we forget the human values and Indian Culture which is respected all over the globe? Even in rural India, we can see the people moving faraway from the bonding they used to have with their own blood (relations). This appears to be an irony but, people are highly attached to their television sets than to their own relations. In cities, most of the Children are abused, molested, and drew away from the love they are supposed to get, and to my surprise, school going children are completely unaware of the games we used to play in our childhood like marbles, flying kites etc., sports and games are completely getting out of sight may be due to heavy home works or say addiction to television. And the same is with the case of the old people who are abandoned and are made to stay at old age homes.

If we behave with our elder and younger generations in such a manner, don’t you think that they too will impose on us the same rules, when we grow older? Friends, as Newton says, that “For every action there will be equal and opposite reaction”, we must all be aware of such reflections. We must never ill-treat any unprivileged human being and now, while there’s time, I plead one and all to take care of the relationships whatever, we have, viz., love, friends, parents, grandparents, children, neighbors, people in the society or whatever and try to spend some time for them, because beware, in the way up, we must not ill-treat people as, we have to meet the same while the way down.

We spend a lot of time for our own welfare and think less about the society. It’s no harm, as there is a proverb which says, if you cannot help no problem, but please do not hurt anyone. It’s our duty to attend well to the society by helping the unprivileged people. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve to contribute your money. A healing touch is enough, or say, a few soothing words too work only if you can spend a little amount of time to discuss with people sharing their sorrows and joys. Believe me, if you talk to the people, you can see a smile on their lips. Don’t stick to the Television sets when you’ve time. Talk to your own family, you need not have to go searching for the people to talk. You can give happiness to your own parents, if you discuss with them, let they be some petty/silly issues. Don’t feel irritated, talk freely and whole-heartedly. And now, while there’s time, you can become emotionally attached to your relations. People, once if they trust you, develop an intimacy to share their sorrows and joys unhesitatingly. Be a friend of society.

Get more out of your weekend. Many of you might be having two holidays per week. Utilize it fully. Learn new things or the things you love the most. For instance, I was very passionate about dance, but due to my lazy attitude, I had been postponing it since a long which made me lose complete interest as now. Don’t let this happen in your case at least. Involve yourself in the activities that gives you rejoice. Do charity on one day and spend the next whole day for yourself. Or say, if you’re good at painting, don’t let your art die. Who knows you may also become as familiar as M. F. Hussein is!. Practice your skills, learn new things, and don’t let your weekends go in vain. Now, while there’s time, utilize it to the fullest. Enjoy the life to the fullest and enjoy rejoice of being alive.

Finally, in my conclusion, I also plead you all to teach others what all you have learnt. If you know that teaching means learning twice, then, please never let your skills get vanished with you. As in the beginning, I instantiated Monica Bedi, who taught her co-prisoners yoga and dance, you too, take some time out to teach what you know, to the people who do not know. For instance, if you know kuchipudi dance and you teach it to someone, it will become immortal, and you’ll never find time complaining that performing arts are vanishing! Don’t let your skills die. Now, while there’s time, utilize the same for the benefit of the society.

Thanks and Regards,

Srikanth Chintakindi,
M.Tech (A.I.),
University of Hyderabad.